Querying your Exam Results
The Trinity College London South Africa team cannot alter exam results, as London based examiners team are responsible for awarding marks and dealing with queries.
If you have already received your exam result and are dissatisfied with the outcome, Trinity has a two-stage process to investigate examination results. The first stage is a review process for practical exams, and a re-mark request procedure for written exams. The second stage, where there is dissatisfaction following the outcome of a review or remark, is an appeal. To make a formal enquiry, please complete the enquiries about results form and read our terms and conditions.
There is an established process through which you can query the results by,
Either checking the marks have been added up correctly (Clerical Check),
Or asking for a new examiner to review the entire exam (Results Review).
Both of these carry a cost, and they are fully explained here - https://www.trinitycollege.com/help/customer-services/enquiries-about-results.
If you decide to request either of these services, you'll need to fill in the form as the first step - https://www.trinitycollege.com/help/customer-services/enquiries-about-results/resultsenquiry